Nochi di Pas Soap


Nochi di Pas Soap

Allow delightful, penetrating scent of mint together with clove to wash all tension from your body. Afterwards you will feel refreshed with a clear mind.

SKU: SD-SOAP-NDP Category: Tags: , , , , , , ,


Nochi di Pas Soap

A handmade soap with a delightful scent of mint and clove washes all tension from your body and mind. Leaving your skin feel soft and nourished.

How to use:

Wet your wash cloth and rub the soap on it to leather. Rub the wash cloth allover your body and enjoy the leather and the scent that fills your bathroom.

When to use:

Soap can be use in the morning or evening. Use in the morning when you need a pick me up and in the evening to relax your body and mind.

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